Lost in the Nightmare Realm
Writing about Sonatina?
Check our press kit for videos, facts and images.
For any additional press enquiries, please contact press (at) sonatinagame.com
Made by Ian Mandarini
Sonatina is being developed by Ian Mandarini in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil since 2019. What started as a solo project, quickly grew to become something much bigger. Sonatina would not be possible without the several contractors and partners that have worked really hard in the development process. We are currently 6 and we are responsible for everything Sonatina, including the game itself, this website, social media, marketing and support. We are heavily motivated by quality and we are excited to bring Sonatina to life!
Ian Mandarini
Ian (he/they) works full time for Sonatina and is responsible for its production, game design, 2D art, animation, engineering, programming and marketing. If anything goes wrong, its his fault!
Feel free to email him at contact (at) ianmandarini.com
A page with the full credits for everyone that was involved in developing Sonatina is coming very soon.